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Pump Stations

At Southern Civil, we ensure that our work meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. We offer comprehensive services in constructing pump stations that can handle large volumes of storm and wastewater. We take pride in delivering exceptional pump station construction services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your pump station construction needs.

Our Projects

BCMS Regional Pump Station

Bryan County, Georgia

The scope of work for the project included: construction of a temporary pump station, complete with pump package, mechanical piping, and electrical; excavation, shoring and dewatering for cast-in-place concrete wet well; construction of cast-in-place wet well; wet well interior coating; provide and install submersible pump and control package; mechanical piping; provide and install generator and ATS; electrical upgrades; removal of temporary pump station; site gravel paving and fencing.

  • Owner: Bryan Co. Board of Commissioners
  • Engineer: Thomas & Hutton
  • Estimated Completion: August 2024

Let’s work together.

Contact us to find out how Southern Civil can help with your project.